Self-hypnosis is really great! I love self-hypnosis and use it a lot. Maybe you want to do something good for yourself or help yourself effectively and change negative beliefs or behaviours? Then self-hypnosis is just the thing. You can learn this powerful technique from a hypnotist, in a course or from a book. Here I share a self-hypnosis method with you that is really very simple and effective. I will explain how you can do it in 3 steps. 1. The Right Time is Important Twice a day you are naturally in a trance state and therefore very suggestible. This means that your unconscious is wide open and can automatically receive suggestions, positive sentences, affirmations and the like. At these times, your conscious mind does not interfere. These special times are in the morning immediately after you wake up and in the evening shortly before you go to sleep. It is important that you also use these times for your self-hypnosis. So in the morning you do your self-hypnosis exercise first and only then devote time to your mobile phone, your children, your partner or do what you would normally do in the morning. In the evening, your self-hypnosis should be the last thing you do. Don't read or listen to anything else afterwards. The time before going to sleep is particularly effective because your brain will continue to work with the suggestions you are giving yourself during your self-hypnosis all through the night. 2) How to Create a Positive Suggestion for Yourself This is how I got into the habit of doing 15 minutes of high intensity training (HIT) every morning. - THE ACTION First you find an action or describe what you want in concrete terms. In my case, that was: I do 15 minutes of HIT every morning. - IN THE PRESENT TENSE Describe this action in the present. So don't say: I will do HIT. - ACHIEVABILITY You must be able to achieve this suggestion yourself. It must not depend on other people. - POSITIVE It is important that you formulate your suggestion positively. The unconscious, with which we want to work here, does not understand negations. So your unconscious mind understands the sentence "I am NOT afraid of spiders." as if you had said, "I am afraid of spiders." - FEEL-GOOD WORDS Use words that make you feel good right away. Make a list of words and feel which ones resonate with you. These could be, for example: wonderful, happiness, joy, energy, enjoy, easy. The suggestion could then be: I enjoy doing 15 minutes of high intensity training every morning. - SUGGESTION Formulate several suggestions for a goal or a change. This way your brain does not get bored and the neuronal networks for the change are strengthened. So for example: - My daily high intensity training gives me a lot of energy. - I look forward to doing my HIT every morning. - Every day I find it easier to do my 15 minutes of HIT. 3. Here is How - Think about a goal or something you want to change. - Formulate 3 - 5 suggestions according to the rules we have discussed. It is best to write them down by hand on a piece of paper. Research has shown that handwriting has a much stronger influence on us than writing on a computer or mobile phone. If you want, you can also write each sentence on an index card. - Put the sheet or index cards with your suggestions next to your bed. - In the evening, read a suggestion several times before turning off the light. Reading aloud is particularly effective. - The next morning, as soon as you wake up, read through the next suggestion several times. - I change the suggestion every day. This means that I read through the same suggestion in the morning and in the evening and then take a new suggestion the next morning. - It works especially well if you imagine what you are reading together with a positive feeling. I wish you lots of fun and success with the easiest self-hypnosis in the world ! :)

Selbst-Hypnose ist wirklich toll! Ich liebe die Selbst-Hypnose und benütze sie auch sehr gerne. Vielleicht möchtest du dir selbst etwas Gutes tun oder dir effektiv helfen und ungünstige Glaubenssätze oder Verhaltensweisen verändern? Dann ist Selbst-Hypnose genau das Richtige. Diese machtvolle Technik kannst du bei einem Hypnotiseur, in einem Kurs oder auch aus einem Buch lernen. Hier teile ich eine Selbst-Hypnose Methode mit dir. Sie ist wirklich sehr einfach und effektiv. Wie du das am besten machst, erkläre ich dir hier in 3 Schritten. 1. Auf den richtigen Zeitpunkt kommt es an Zweimal am Tag bist du auf ganz natürliche Weise in einem Trancezustand und daher sehr suggestibel. Das heißt, dass dein Unterbewusstsein weit geöffnet ist und Suggestionen, positive Sätze, Affirmationen und ähnliches ganz automatisch aufnehmen kann. Zu diesen Zeiten funken dir auch nicht das bewusste Denken und der Wächter zwischen den beiden Bewusstseinszuständen dazwischen. Diese besonderen Zeiten sind am Morgen gleich nach dem Aufwachen und am Abend kurz bevor du einschläfst. Wichtig ist, dass du diese Zeit auch für deine Selbsthypnose nutzt. Am Morgen machst du also zuerst deine Selbst-Hypnose Übung und checkst erst dann dein Handy, deine Kinder, deinen Partner oder tust, was du sonst normalerweise so am Morgen nach dem Aufstehen machst. Am Abend solltest du deine Suggestion so legen, dass sie das letzte ist, mit dem du dich beschäftigst. Du solltest also danach nichts anderes mehr lesen oder anhören. Die Zeit vor dem Schlafengehen ist ganz besonders wirkungsvoll. Dein Gehirn beschäftigt sich nämlich auch während der Nacht weiter mit deinen Suggestionen. 2. So bastelst du dir eine positive Suggestion Auf diese Weise habe ich mir zum Beispiel angewöhnt, jeden Morgen 15 Minuten High Intensity Training zu machen. • DIE AKTION Zuerst suchst du dir also eine Aktion, bzw. beschreibst, was du möchtest, ganz konkret. In meinem Fall war das: Ich mache jeden Morgen 15 Minuten HIT. • IM PRÄSENS Beschreibe diese Aktion in der Gegenwart. Sage also nicht: Ich werde HIT machen. • ERREICHBARKEIT Diese Suggestion musst du selbst erreichen können. Sie darf also nicht von anderen Menschen abhängen. • POSITIV Es ist wichtig, dass du deine Suggestion positiv formulierst. Das Unterbewusstsein, mit dem wir ja hier arbeiten möchten, versteht Verneinungen nicht. Dein Unterbewusstsein versteht also den Satz „Ich habe KEINE Angst vor Spinnen.“ so, als ob du gesagt hättest: „Ich habe Angst vor Spinnen.“ • WOHLFÜHL-WÖRTER Benütze Wörter, bei denen du dich gleich wohlfühlst. Mach dir eine Liste von Wörtern und spüre, welche dir besonders guttun. Das können zum Beispiel sein: herrlich, Glück, Freude, Energie, genießen, leicht. So könnte die Suggestion dann heißen: Es macht mir Spaß, jeden Morgen 15 Minuten High Intensitiy Training zu machen. • ABWECHSLUNG Formuliere gleich mehrere Suggestionen für ein Ziel oder eine Veränderung. So wird deinem Gehirn nicht langweilig und dadurch werden die neuronalen Netzwerke für die Veränderung gestärkt. Also zum Beispiel: - Mein tägliches High Intensity Training gibt mir viel Energie. - Ich freue mich darauf, jeden Morgen mein HIT zu machen. - Jeden Tag fällt es mir leichter, meine 15 Minuten HIT zu machen. 3. Und so geht’s • Überlege dir ein Ziel oder etwas, das du verändern möchtest. • Formuliere nach den besprochenen Regeln 3 – 5 Suggestionen. Am besten du schreibst sie mit der Hand auf ein Blatt. Es gibt Untersuchungen, die festgestellt haben, dass mit der Hand Geschriebenes uns viel stärker beeinflusst, als das, was wir am Computer oder auf dem Handy schreiben. Wenn du willst, kannst du auch jeden Satz auf eine Karteikarte schreiben. • Lege das Blatt oder die Karteikarten mit deinen Suggestionen neben dein Bett. • Lies dir abends eine Suggestion mehrere Male durch, bevor du das Licht ausmachst. Lautes Lesen ist besonders wirkungsvoll. • Am nächsten Morgen gleich nach dem Aufwachen liest du dir die nächste Suggestion öfter durch. • Ich wechsele die Suggestion jeden Tag. Das heißt dass ich am Morgen und am Abend dieselbe Suggestion durchlese und dann am nächsten Morgen eine neue Suggestion nehme. • Besonders gut funktioniert es, wenn du dir das, was du liest, gleichzeitig mit einem positiven Gefühl verbunden vorstellst. Ich wünsche dir ganz viel Freude und Erfolg bei der einfachsten Selbst-Hypnose der Welt! :)

The Run-up to Christmas and Stress Every year I hope that the pre-Christmas season will be a quiet, reflective time for me. I dream about it, I imagine it - and every year it doesn't happen! Usually this period becomes more like a race against time in order to get everything done that needs to be done. To prevent the run-up to Christmas from getting too stressful, I've been cutting down any appointments to a minimum in December and am only seeing a few clients. That helps a bit. Nevertheless, the mad rush is still there - decorating the house, getting the Advent wreath, baking Christmas cookies, getting the Christmas tree, decorating the Christmas tree and buying the presents! These presents need to be carefully chosen. Should you order online or rather buy them in a store? Of course, they should be great, very special gifts. We so want our loved ones to be really happy with them! Yes, and then it is already time to plan the meals for Christmas Eve and the bank holiday days, to do the shopping and of course to prepare them so that Christmas will be a wonderful event for the family. Of course, this year everything is a little different. But that is precisely why the festive season should be particularly beautiful! But all of this also has a price - it creates pressure and pressure creates stress! Give Yourself a Present When you are stressed, you are not doing so well. You're more impatient, get annoyed more easily, and you just don't feel that well. This is a pity. It is a pity for you, of course, but also for your family. People with whom you spend a lot of time, i.e. your partner and your children, feel very clearly that something is up. Very sensitive people around you may even absorb these rather unpleasant feelings. So, I have decided to approach the Christmas season differently this year. In the run-up to Christmas I do not only want to look after others, but also take good care of myself - giving myself a gift, so to speak. And I would also like to encourage you to give yourself many small gifts over the next few weeks. Over the next few weeks make a little time for yourself every day. Create an oasis of calm every day in your busy everyday life and just do something that nurtures you. That could be just 5 minutes - but it should happen every day for the next 24 days! Maybe you would like to make your own TIME-FOR-ME ADVENT CALENDAR . I have scheduled a time-for-me activity in my diary for every day from the 1st to the 24th December. Of course, you could also make an advent calendar with activities written on pieces of paper with the numbers 1-24 kept in a box or hung up on a string with clothes pegs. Your Anti-Stress Advent Calendar - Bring a Little More Peace to Your World Here is my collection of ideas. If you have children, tell them beforehand that you are now having some quiet time for yourself and that you may only be disturbed if an emergency of immense proportions occurs. • ENJOY SOME TIME OUT: Treat yourself to a 5-minute break with a cup of tea or coffee. Drink slowly and mindfully and enjoy. • TAKE A WALK: Take a leisurely stroll alone or with someone whose presence you find entirely enjoyable. • FILL YOURSELF WITH GREAT JOY: Sit down and think of 3 situations that are associated with great joy for you. Visualise every situation with all your senses: What can you see, hear, feel, smell and taste? Enjoy this feeling of joy and feel it get stronger. • BREATHE LOVE: Breathe into your heart Imagine your heart is like a nose. You can breathe into your heart and breathe out from your heart as well. After you've done this a few times, you can breathe love in and out through your heart. After a few more breaths you can start spreading this love inside your body as you exhale and let it expand inside you. So, you breathe in love through your heart and when you breathe out you let this love gradually fill your whole body. • LAUGH OR SMILE: Read a joke or a funny story. Remember something funny or just start laughing. In the end, it doesn't matter if you laugh properly or just pretend. Either way, you'll feel better afterwards. • BLESS OTHERS: Take a few moments and bless people around you. Simply imagine the person you want to bless and say in your head or out loud: " ... (name), I bless you. " If you want you can also use your heart-breath and send love from your heart. You probably have a lot of good ideas yourself on how you can give yourself the gift of some time to de-stress every day. Afterwards, you will feel empowered, happier, and more content. There is also some scientific basis to all this. All 6 exercises that I have described above will get you out of the stress mode we are in a lot of the time. When you are stressed, the sympathetic nervous system reigns. With the time-out activities, you now switch off the sympathetic nervous system and you activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for relaxation. This allows your body and mind to relax and regenerate. Your body starts producing happiness hormones like serotonin or endorphins that make you feel much better. As a great side effect, they also strengthen your immune system! If you decide to only use my time-out activities, you can enjoy each activity 4 times over the 24 days up to Christmas. I hope you will experience a lot of joy and relaxation during your 24 little breaks. And you will see: Not only will you benefit from this time-out gift to yourself, but everyone around you will as well. If you would like to treat yourself to something that will get rid of your stress on a deeper level, then just come by for a hypnosis session. I look forward to seeing you! :)

You can't help your phobias You've probably heard of fear of heights, fear of spiders or claustrophobia, the fear of confined spaces. But actually, you can develop a fear of ANYTHING, including soap bubbles, buttons, butterflies and apples. All these specific fears are also called phobias. I'll explain how they develop below. "Pull yourself together. You really don't have to be afraid of a little spider." People with anxiety disorders have certainly heard enough of these sentences. But unfortunately, you cannot switch off fear so easily. Because intellectually, even people with anxiety disorders know that these fears are mostly completely unfounded. However, this knowledge does not help to get rid of these fears. Here is my take on this: Having a phobia is not your fault! Why fear? Originally, fear is first of all a protective mechanism and prevents us from recklessly putting our lives at risk. For our caveman ancestors, fear was important in order to be able to react appropriately to dangers such as encounters with wild animals or finding poisonous mushrooms. If a Stone Age man was very unconcerned and fearless with his environment, he probably did not live very long and is thus probably not an ancestor of ours. You are not alone! It is assumed that about 15% of all Germans suffer from an anxiety disorder. Besides phobias, this includes panic attacks, during which people can feel so bad that they think they are going to die. And there is also the generalised anxiety disorder, where people often have fears that something bad might happen to them or their loved ones. This makes anxiety disorders one of the most common mental illnesses. Unfortunately, they are often not recognised and therefore not treated. Now, up to what point is anxiety normal, even helpful and important, and where does anxiety disorder start? This can be different for different people. But as soon as it prevents someone from leading a normal life, anxiety is no longer helpful. So, if anxiety prevents you from taking the train or the lift, if you no longer go down to the basement for fear of spiders, or if anxiety prevents you from going outside at all and instead you barricade yourself at home, your life is very limited. Then the fear probably affects you so much that your thoughts become more and more preoccupied with this fear and you often think about how you can avoid this fear or the panic attack. You become additionally afraid of the fear. How and why your brain makes fear There is an almond-shaped part of your brain called the amygdala. The amygdala is constantly on the lookout for danger. It does this because it wants to protect you. A phobia arises because the amygdala associated a situation in which someone was frightened, for example, with the presence of a spider. Now, to guarantee our safety, the amygdala takes a kind of snapshot of this situation. From then on, it constantly compares all situations with this snapshot. If it finds a similar situation, in this case a situation with a spider, it immediately initiates the fear reaction because it wants to protect us from danger. In a fear reaction, the cerebrum is switched off so that we cannot react rationally at all. If someone has a phobia, they really can't help it. It is not their fault. You can't beat the phobia with pure willpower or the knowledge that your own reaction is exaggerated. It is locked in the unconscious mind and therefore not accessible via conscious thought. Getting rid of fear - How does it work? My motto is: Love your life - enjoy what you do. But if your fears are limiting you so much that you can no longer be happy with your life, it is high time to do something about it. The easiest way to get rid of anxiety is through hypnosis. Coaching methods and self-hypnosis also work, although more slowly than hypnotherapy with a hypnosis expert. The fear is dissolved in the unconscious mind. And then you can live a happy and carefree life again.

Here you will learn what the 3 Cs have to do with feelings. But more about this later. It might surprise you, but many people are not in touch with their feelings. Maybe you regularly feel inside yourself and therefore know what emotions you are feeling. Brilliant! Or maybe you are like me and know it would be a good idea but at times you are simply too busy or you forget. But feelings are really important for everybody, for our wellbeing, our mental and our physical health. They are actually the basis for a happy, successful life. And here you will find out why this is so and what you can do about it. 1. FEELINGS ARE YOUR COMPASS This is the first C is for Compass. First of all, feelings - no matter whether we perceive them as positive or negative - are information. They show us our mental state in this moment in time. Therefore, it makes little sense to ignore them. I usually give my clients a ladder list of emotions. At the bottom are feelings like shame, sadness, anger, stress. In the middle is boredom, calmness. And at the top are the positive feelings like love, gratitude, happiness. With this sheet it is easy to determine where you are emotionally at any moment. If you would like this LIST OF EMOTIONS send me an email to mail@brittoldfield.com so I can mail it to you. 2. FEELINGS ARE LIKE LITTLE CHILDREN C number two is for Children. Feelings are like children. If ignored, they keep coming and tugging at our t-shirts until we notice them. If we ignore them for a long time, they sometimes manifest as an illness. Every feeling wants to be seen and felt. Often it disappears by itself after a while. But if we start telling ourselves a problematic story to go with a feeling like sadness, anger, frustration this feeling then connects to that story and it sticks. The more often we tell ourselves this unfortunate story, the more momentum story and feeling gather and the more they get established in our unconscious mind. And once there, they do not do us any good and they are very difficult to remove. 3. WITH FEELING - THE ONLY WAY IS CLIMBING UP The third and last C is for Climbing up. In the end, it's not about ignoring or glossing over bad, unwanted feelings. It's about taking them seriously, and then starting the journey up the ladder of emotions again. Because, let’s be honest, our goal is always to feel good, happy, empowered, loved, to be able to feel lots of positive feelings. At the top of the ladder of emotions we feel better, we have more energy and our lives become happier and more successful. So, once you know where you are on that ladder of emotions, you can start climbing up. And that's how you get back to the top when you are down: You can allow the feeling and feel it without attaching any negative meaning or story to it. In most cases it will disappear after a while. You can find out why you have this feeling . This is especially helpful if you can make changes . Maybe it is better to take a little less responsibility. Or your family could help out a little more around the house. Can you take more time off? Will a morning routine help you have more energy for the day? Can you go to bed earlier? If there is nothing you can change in your environment, look inside yourself . Can you help yourself through breathing, meditation or self-hypnosis? Can you resolve to think different thoughts and put that into action? It really works! Now that you know how important your feelings are, keep feeling inside yourself. Then you will know if you are already in a place of strength and joy emotionally. If not, then you should start the journey upwards, so that you feel really good again, that you feel empowered and can lead a happy and successful life.

Where Are You? - Bavaria Or Alaska: A Big Difference If you had the choice between stress, anxiety, lack of energy, victim mentality on one hand and joy, contentment, creativity, strength, an easy life on the other hand, we would all know which choice to make. The problem is: we know it, BUT WE DON'T DO IT! It's as if you would like to travel to Bavaria but have your sat nav set up for Alaska. It doesn't matter how much you scream and curse or are determined to go to Bavaria. The sat nav will keep showing you the way to Alaska. It All Depends On The Focus That is exactly what we do with our lives. We have set our lives in the direction of Alaska. Not that I want to speak badly of Alaska. But if you don't want to go there, then that is not the right place for you. So, we actually want to live a life that is filled with joy, happiness, success and lots of great people. But our sat nav is set for the wrong destination and so we only get more of what we already have and don't want: stress, anxiety, frustration. Because unfortunately it is like this: You get more of what you focus on! I call this focus the centre of your thoughts. It is what you think about most of the time. If you keep thinking about all the jobs that you have yet to do, you are moving towards stress and anxiety. If you keep thinking about your problems, you move towards stress and anxiety. If you keep thinking about an old argument or that someone treated you unfairly, you are moving towards stress and anxiety. If you want a simpler, happier, and more successful life, change the centre of your thoughts! 3 Tips On How To Change The Centre Of Your Thoughts 1. Where are you right now? First you have to find out where you are right now. Maybe by now you are in Austria. Then Bavaria is not far away. But how do you find out where you are exactly? • Observe yourself often. Feel inside yourself often. • What are you doing? What are you thinking? What are you feeling? • And most importantly: How do you talk to yourself? 2. Where do you want to go? The next step is to determine what you want. This can be quite a challenge. I ask all of my clients this question. Many know exactly what they don't want and they can talk about it endlessly. But finding a new set point for your sat nav proves very difficult for most people. This is because they have already made themselves very comfortable in the negative, limiting thinking. The brain likes familiar things, but no surprises! Stress, anxiety and negative attitudes are familiar and therefore give us a feeling of security! It might well take quite a bit of effort to create a new, positive blueprint for your life that is much more fulfilling than your current life! It's a bit as if your sat nav gets stuck on the destination Alaska. You may have to turn it off and reboot it and then enter your new destination Bavaria. So, there might be some work involved! But it's worth it! 3. How do you do that? When you have your new goal, you make it the centre of your thoughts. At times I get lost in my to-do-list. When that happens I only think of the mountain that I still have to work through. But why am I exposing myself to this stress? When it comes to my job, the reason is to earn enough money to have a good life. Or when it comes to a clean, tidy home, the reason is to enjoy my time there. We often tend to think that we have to do certain things or achieve certain goals in order to be happy afterwards. BUT STOP! It doesn't work that way! In reality it works the other way round! When your center of thought is YOU and YOUR EASY AND FANTASTIC LIFE, suddenly you see things differently and you also do things in a different way. Because suddenly you're no longer doing things for your demanding boss or because they have to be done, but you do them for yourself. The center of your thoughts is now that you are happy. That you are going towards the life you are dreaming about. Your trip now goes to Bavaria and no longer to Alaska. But isn't that selfish you might ask. No. In fact, it's just the opposite. If everyone were to put their own well-being first - not at the expense of others, of course, but by taking good care of themselves - our world would be a better place. Then there would be a lot of happy people and happy, satisfied people always want everyone else around them to be happy too! So, my message is: Take care of yourself because you are the most important person in your life. Take responsibility for your own life by setting your sat nav to love, laughter and ease and then by following your settings. Keep checking over and over again what you are making the center of your thoughts. Does it help you or does it prevent you from living a happy life? Maybe it's enough if you keep reminding yourself: I AM IMPORTANT! I ALLOW MYSELF TO LEAD A HAPPY LIFE! You will see that something amazing will happen. The things that need to be done are much easier for you to do. Important things are not left behind when you make yourself and your well-being the focus of your thoughts. Working becomes easier and more fun. And you might find some things that you do not want to do anymore. You will see that your life is getting better and better. Look forward to this new, fantastic life! If you would like support in making yourself the centre of your thoughts and leading a happy life, book my FREE CONSULTATION. Then we can work out together how I can help you live the life of your dreams.

First Things First: In My Practice, You Won't Be Walking Around Like A Cackling Chicken! Could I make you walk around like a cackling chicken in my practice? The answer is NO unless you want that. Every hypnosis is also self-hypnosis and therefore it depends entirely on you. So, if you were ready inside, I could theoretically make a cackling chicken out of you. People who go on stage during a hypnosis show and do crazy things there are INTERNALLY READY TO DO IT! Would I want to make a cackling chicken out of you? OF COURSE NOT! Because I do clinical hypnosis according to the ethical guidelines of the German Association for Hypnosis and because I do not think that it would make your life better. My hypnosis helps you to regain control of your life and not to lose it. Reason 1 - I Love Hypnosis Because Being In Hypnosis Feels Great! When you get hypnotized, you slip into a trance. Many people do not realize that trance is a natural state that we find ourselves in several times a day. For example, you are in a trance when you read an exciting book and get completely absorbed in the action. The same goes for a movie. You have the feeling that you are in the middle of it all: you are happy, you laugh, you are sad or maybe you are afraid. But you certainly don't think: I'm watching a film here that was made by actors, cameramen and a director. It has probably already happened to you that you miss a part of the way while driving. You have arrived home, but can no longer remember the last section of your journey. So, what is trance initiated by hypnosis like? First of all, it is a really great feeling. All people with whom I have done hypnosis so far have been totally enthusiastic afterwards. Even those who thought they couldn't be hypnotized or who were very skeptical. In a trance you hear what the hypnotist is saying, you hear the things around you - sometimes more and sometimes less. At the same time, you're so relaxed and feeling so good that none of this is important to you anymore. After hypnosis, you remember what happened, almost like after a conversation. You can still remember things that were interesting to you. Whereas some parts might be blurry. But what remains is a feeling of deep relaxation and wonderful wellbeing. I love this state! Reason 2 - I love Hypnosis Because With Hypnosis You Can Change Unwanted Beliefs And Behaviours Q uickly And Easily! Many of our behaviours and beliefs stem from our childhood. In the first few years of life we take in everything completely unfiltered. All of these beliefs and behaviors are anchored in the unconscious mind and influence our whole life. The main task of the subconscious is to make life easy and safe for us. For clarification: It is assumed that 90 – 95% is processed by the unconscious mind and only 5 – 10% by the conscious mind. For example, if little Anne's father is very authoritarian, she has learned to obey her father unconditionally. This behaviour has been anchored in her unconscious so that little Anne can grow up in safety. As a small child you are helpless and therefore dependent on the adults, including the authoritarian father. At some point Anne grows up, maybe has achieved a lot - a good job, a family of her own, etc. Nevertheless, she has big problems with her authoritarian boss. She lets him order her around and doesn't dare to say NO either. You can probably guess why. Anne's unconscious still has the program from her childhood “With authoritarian men, you have to do what they say!” Unfortunately, our unconscious does not update itself. So, it doesn't say, “Ah yes, Anne is now an adult and no longer helpless at all, but a successful, self-confident woman. So, we can change the “Behaviour towards Authoritarian Men” program. Grown-up Anne probably does not even realize why she only has problems with certain men. Even if she did, it wouldn't help her that much, though. Because in order to change negative beliefs (I am not allowed to say no to superiors / people in positions of power.) or inconvenient behaviour (I do what the other wants from me, even if I don't really want it), you have to get to the unconscious mind. Normal affirmations do not work well here because a kind of guardian, which is located between the conscious and the unconscious mind, will not permit affirmations that are considered “untrue” to pass into the unconscious mind. In hypnosis, however, the gate to the unconscious is wide open and then such an update is very easy and can also be done very quickly. The best way to do this is with the help of a hypnotist. However, you can also learn self-hypnosis to help yourself. Reason 3 - I Love Hypnosis Because Hypnosis Helps You To Create A Vision Of A Better And Easier Life And To M ake This A Reality! From time to time I review my life and goals. I also have a morning routine during which I build on my vision of my ideal life. When new clients come to me, I need to find out something about the problem the person wants to get rid of. But more importantly, we find out together what their ideal life could look like. So, with Anne, I developed a vision of what her life would be like if she could say no to men in a position of power or if she confidently expressed her point of view. We came across other aspects in the process. For example, Anne wanted to get rid of a phobia and change her career. Hypnosis is of great help with all of these things. But first Anne had to start dreaming about her ideal life. Visions can be built into hypnosis really well. I also taught Anne effective and proven coaching techniques and methods from brain research. This enabled her to work at home and make positive changes a reality even faster. You see, hypnosis has a lot to offer: • Deep relaxation and a wonderful feeling • The ability to easily and quickly change outdated, negative beliefs and behaviours and • Support in building your ideal life. Maybe you just want to try hypnosis or you have a problem that you would like to get rid of with hypnosis. Then just book a FREE CONSULTATION to find out how I can help you with hypnosis. We are constantly hypnotizing ourselves - and unfortunately often not in a positive way! So why not use hypnosis to your advantage? .

Das Wichtigste zuerst: In meiner Praxis wirst du nicht wie ein gackerndes Huhn herumlaufen! Könnte ich machen, dass du wie ein gackerndes Huhn in meiner Praxis herumläufst? Die Antwort ist JEIN. Interessanterweise liegt das völlig an dir. Denn jede Hypnose ist auch immer Selbsthypnose. Wenn du also innerlich dazu bereit wärst, könnte ich theoretisch ein gackerndes Huhn aus dir machen. Leute, die während einer Show-Hypnose auf die Bühne gehen und dort verrückte Dinge tun, sind INNERLICH DAZU BEREIT! Würde ich aus dir ein gackerndes Huhn machen wollen? NATÜRLICH NICHT! Denn ich mache klinische Hypnose nach den ethischen Richtlinien des Deutschen Verbands für Hypnose. Meine Hypnose hilft dir, die Kontrolle über dein Leben wieder zurückzugewinnen und nicht, sie zu verlieren. Grund 1, weshalb ich Hypnose liebe: Während der Hypnose geht es dir so richtig gut! Wenn du hypnotisiert wirst, gleitest du in eine Trance. Viele Menschen wissen nicht, dass Trance ein ganz natürlicher Zustand ist, in dem wir uns jeden Tag mehrere Male befinden. Zum Beispiel bist du in Trance, wenn du ein spannendes Buch liest und völlig in der Handlung aufgehst. Das gleiche gilt für einen Film. Du hast das Gefühl du bist mitten drin: du freust dich, du lachst, du bist traurig oder vielleicht hast du auch Angst. Aber du denkst bestimmt nicht: Ich schaue mir hier einen Film an, der von Schauspieler, Kameraleuten und einem Regisseur gemacht wurde. Vermutlich ist es dir auch schon passiert, dass dir bei einer Autofahrt ein Stück Weg fehlt. Du bist zu Hause angekommen, aber kannst dich gar nicht mehr an den letzten Abschnitt deiner Fahrt erinnern. Wie ist nun so eine Trance, die durch Hypnose ausgelöst wird? Erstmal ist das ein richtig tolles Gefühl. Alle Menschen, mit denen ich bisher Hypnose gemacht haben, waren danach total begeistert. Selbst die, die dachten sie könnten gar nicht hypnotisiert werden oder die sehr skeptisch waren. In Trance hörst du, was der Hypnotiseur sagt, du bekommst die Dinge um dich herum mit – manchmal mehr und manchmal weniger. Gleichzeitig bist du so entspannt und es geht dir so gut, dass das alles nicht mehr so wichtig für dich ist. Nach der Hypnose erinnerst du dich an das, was passiert ist, fast wie nach einem Gespräch. Dinge, die für dich interessant waren, weißt du noch ganz genau. Andere Teile sind für dich nicht mehr so präsent. Aber was bleibt, ist ein Gefühl ganz tiefer Entspannung und herrlichen Wohlbefindens. Ich liebe diesen Zustand! Grund 2, weshalb ich Hypnose liebe: Mit Hypnose kannst du schnell und einfach unerwünschte Glaubenssätze und Verhaltensweisen verändern! Viele unserer Verhaltensweisen und Glaubenssätze stammen aus unserer Kindheit. In den ersten Lebensjahren nehmen wir nämlich alles völlig ungefiltert auf. All diese Glaubenssätze und Verhaltensweisen sind im Unterbewusstsein verankert und beeinflussen unser ganzes Leben. Die Aufgabe des Unterbewusst ist vor allem, uns das Leben leicht und sicher zu machen. Zur Erklärung: Man nimmt an, dass 90 – 95% über das Unterbewusstsein läuft und nur 5 – 10% über das bewusste Denken. Wenn der Vater der kleinen Anne zum Beispiel sehr autoritär ist, hat sie gelernt, ihrem Vater bedingungslos zu gehorchen. In ihrem Unterbewusstsein wurde diese Verhaltensweise verankert, damit die kleine Anne in Sicherheit aufwachsen kann. Als kleines Kind ist man hilflos und daher auf die Erwachsenen, also auch den autoritären Vater, angewiesen. Irgendwann ist Anne dann groß, hat vielleicht viel erreicht – einen guten Beruf, eine eigene Familie usw. Trotzdem hat sie große Probleme mit ihrem autoritären Chef. Von dem lässt sie sich herumkommandieren und traut sich auch nicht NEIN zu sagen. Wahrscheinlich kannst du dir denken, weshalb. Annes Unterbewusstsein hat noch das Programm aus ihrer Kindheit „Bei autoritären Männern musst du machen, was sie sagen!“ Leider macht unser Unterbewusstsein selbst keinen Update. Es sagt also nicht: „Ah ja, Anne ist jetzt erwachsen und gar nicht mehr hilflos, sondern eine erfolgreiche, selbstbewusste Frau. Also können wir ja das „Verhalten bei autoritären Männern“-Programm ändern. Vermutlich ist der großen Anne auch gar nicht klar, weshalb sie nur bei bestimmten Männern Probleme hat. Selbst wenn sie es wüsste, würde es ihr allerdings noch nicht so viel helfen. Denn um ungünstige Glaubenssätze (Ich darf bei Vorgesetzten/ Personen in Machtpositionen nicht nein sagen.) oder hinderliche Verhaltensweisen (Ich mache, was der andere von mir will, auch wenn ich es nicht wirklich möchte.) zu ändern, muss man an das Unterbewusstsein kommen. Normale Affirmationen helfen hier nicht so gut, weil eine Art Wächter, der zwischen dem Bewusstsein und dem Unterbewusstsein angesiedelt ist, die gar nicht durchlässt. In Hypnose allerdings ist das Tor zum Unterbewusstsein weit geöffnet und dann ist so ein Update ganz einfach und kann auch recht schnell gehen. Am leichtesten funktioniert das mit Hilfe eines Hypnotiseurs. Allerdings kannst du auch Selbsthypnose lernen, um dir dann selbst zu helfen. Grund 3, weshalb ich Hypnose liebe: Hypnose hilft dir, eine Vision eines besseren und leichteren Lebens zu erschaffen und diese Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen! Von Zeit zu Zeit überprüfe ich mein Leben und meine Ziele. Ich habe auch eine Morgenroutine, während der ich an meiner Vision meines idealen Lebens weiterbaue. Wenn neue Klienten zu mir kommen, möchte ich etwas über das Problem herausfinden, das die Person loswerden möchte. Aber viel wichtiger ist, dass wir zusammen überlegen, wie denn ihr ideales Leben aussehen könnte. Mit Anne habe ich also eine Vision entwickelt, wie ihr Leben wäre, wenn sie auch zu Männern in einer Machtposition nein sagen könnte oder ihren Standpunkt selbstbewusst vertreten würde. Dabei sind wir auch auf andere Aspekte gestoßen. So wollte Anne zum Beispiel eine Phobie loswerden und sich gerne beruflich verändern. Bei all diesen Dingen hilft Hypnose hervorragend. Aber zuerst musste Anne anfangen, sich ihr ideales Leben zu erträumen. Visionen lassen sich ganz toll in Hypnose einbauen. Außerdem habe ich Anne effektive und erprobte Coaching Techniken und Methoden aus der Hirnforschung beigebracht. Damit konnte sie auch zu Hause arbeiten und positive Veränderungen noch schneller Wirklichkeit werden lassen. Du siehst, Hypnose hat ganz viel zu bieten: · Tiefe Entspannung und ein herrliches Gefühl · Die Möglichkeit veraltete, negative Glaubenssätze und Verhaltensweisen leicht und schnell zu ändern und · Unterstützung beim Aufbau deines idealen Lebens. Vielleicht möchtest du Hypnose einfach mal ausprobieren oder du hast ein Problem, das du gerne mit Hypnose loswerden möchtest. Dann buch doch einfach ein KOSTENFREIES BERATUNGSGESPRÄCH, um herauszufinden, wie ich dir mit Hypnose helfen kann. Wir hypnotisieren uns ständig selbst – und leider oft nicht positiv! Du könntest Hypnose aber auch zu deinem Vorteil nutzen.